Unexpected Places

If I were in your shoes, I’d go straight to God, I’d throw myself on the mercy of God. After all, he’s famous for great and unexpected acts; there’s no end to his surprises.  Job 5:8 The Message

Has God ever met you at some seemingly impossible and impassable Red-Sea-place?

There you were, shut in on every side, by circumstances that looked to every rational way of thinking that you were about to be crushed, and then, a way straight through appeared to your panicked view, and you walked right through on dry ground.

I have had many such experiences.

Last Minute Rescues

God seems to specialize in these type of “standing on the crumbling cliff-last minute-rescues”!

You can take almost any Bible hero or heroine and find that at some point in their experience God seemed to show up at that impossible last minute and deliver His people.

I must say, I love it that God shows up with a rescue that looks as though He didn’t even break a sweat.

But, for heaven’s sake, why does He wait until the last minute!??

Tight Spots & Faith-builders

What I finally had to learn through all these experiences (mine especially) is that whether it is in my life, or someone else’s, God cares more about building my trust in His faithfulness, than the seemingly effortless task of rescuing me from my dire circumstances!

Whether it is David suddenly confronted with a Goliath, Jehoshaphat outnumbered, and facing an imminent battle against huge armies, or me, looking at my pitiful bank balance, with problems and needs piled higher than my head, I know God is NEVER stuck for an answer.

Unexpected Places

We all end up in unexpected places from time to time don’t we?

Places with problems and challenges to our faith we didn’t see coming.

So many times I have been like those disciples of Jesus, out in the middle of nowhere, empty pockets, and out of ideas, with Jesus calmly looking at me and saying, “Where can we buy food to feed these hungry folks?”

If I had been one of those guys, I think I would have said, “Jesus? You’re kidding, right?”

Finding God’s Unexpected Supply

Ah, yes!

How easy it is to get our eyes locked onto the looming dilemma, instead of looking to The Master, of every perfect solution.

I think it was Charles Spurgeon that once said, “Omnipotence has servants everywhere.”

And, like Dallas Jenkins reminds us over and over again, “It is not our job to feed the five thousand, it is only our job to provide the loaves and fishes.”

We offer our “little,” and God does what only He can do by transforming it into, “much”.

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us. Glory to God in the church! Glory to God in the Messiah, in Jesus! Glory down all the generations! Glory through all millennia! Oh, yes! Ephesians 3:20-21 The Message

New Year’s Posts

I think we should examine this whole business of “Unexpected Places” a little closer.

So… for the next few weeks we are going to discuss here on this blog what will prepare us the next time we find ourselves there.

You know we will, don’t you?

Yeah, for sure, it will happen.

Therefore, I hope you’ll come along for the journey.

We have no idea where 2022 will take us, but again, we know WHO will meet us there. And who knows, we may even discover some hidden treasures in ourselves, we didn’t suspect were there!

Let’s find out.

Our truest selves are sometimes buried below the debris of circumstances, but to unbury such a thing, we must be able to recognize it.

Joanna politano, finding lady enderly

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